Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Community Organizing Approach

So this week's trip to Chicago proved a setback in my 100 date goal. But it's been a nice break from meeting characters like the 'Biter' and the 'Grabber'. Instead I met the 'Organizer' and the 'Activist'. Just kidding, but as I sat through another empowering speech about how to organize leaders to draw up detailed plans to transform our communities and get what the community wants- a light goes on in my head...ding! Why not create a detailed work plan to get through these dates? Organizing is not that complicated of an effort. You need to talk to people, tell them about your project. Get them excited about it, listen to their take on it and when they offer advice or help, ask them to join in the effort...what can they contribute? What are their strengths? How can those strengths help you achieve your vision? I talk to my friends and enlist a few soldiers in this project- their enthusiasm rivals mine- I love it.

I quickly use my network to set something up for Friday night, yes- in Chicago - where I've never been before. I have a date with a guy my father met online through the Guatemalan web community. The guy knows my cousins somehow and will be picking me up and taking me to a Mayan party featuring....karaoke...huh? At least I didn't have to lift a finger, my dad did it for me! That was easy.

My next stop is New York, I'll be leaning on my facebook network to set some things up for me and have two very eligible bachelors I've recruited to my cause. Would I relocate for love? I happen to love New York so the answer is...definitely yes! Spanish Harlem here I come!


Unknown said...

You probably shouldn't wear heels out tonight....

sf meztiza said...

Girl, you know I got my heels on!