Monday, June 30, 2008

Interlude....stuff this Meztiza likes...

1. 4.5" platform heels...and not the cheap ones either!

2. 18-year old single- malt scotch, neat.

3. Oysters.

4. Running shoes.

5. Massage oil.

6. Batting gloves.

7. Tapas.
8. Puppies.

9. Cappuccino.

10. Bike rides across the Golden Gate Bridge.
11. Guys with a self-deprecating sense of humor.
12. Vino rosso, de Napa Valley.
13. Muscle cars.
14. A good laugh.

15. Honesty.
16. Los Amigos Invisibles.
17. HGTV.
18. International travel.

19. Foggy mornings at Fort Funston with Tyson.
20. Falling in love.
21. Pozole.
22. Samba....
23. Knowing when to walk away, and with no regrets.
24. "Men are like parking spots, the good ones are taken and the free ones are handicapped"- Anonymous.
25. Close friends who live far, far away.

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